
Our bariatric surgeons offer expert weight loss treatment that promotes exceptional outcomes.



At UCLA 减肥手术, we offer surgical treatments for sustained weight loss. With every treatment plan, our goal is to improve your quality of life.

We have been treating patients for obesity and obesity-related conditions for more than a decade. We use a comprehensive approach, through which you receive all the services you need in one program. 我们的减肥手术服务的亮点包括:

特殊的结果: 减肥手术 are among some of the safest procedures, thanks to advanced techniques and strict quality measures. 我们的病人报告手术满意率超过95%. 与全国平均水平相比, our surgeons perform 50% fewer revision operations and our patients have a 24-hour shorter hospital stay.

先进的技术: 我们用最先进的技术装备手术室. 例如, 我们有两个达芬奇机器人系统, which allow surgeons to operate through small incisions with increased precision and control. Robotic and minimally invasive surgeries offer patients a lower risk of complications, 更少的疼痛和更快的恢复时间.  

广泛的患者支持: We offer free informational seminars and organized programs to educate patients and their family members about 减肥手术 and weight management. You may work with a dietitian, connect with a psychologist or join one of our support groups. 

综合团队方法: 因为肥胖与许多疾病有关, 你的治疗团队可能需要不止一位专家. 我们的项目包括专家 减肥手术肝病学(研究肝脏疾病的学科)心脏病学 胃肠病学 and 内分泌学.

流线型,方便护理: Our goal is to ensure that your time at our center is as productive and stress-free as possible. We take the time to get to know you and learn about your individual circumstances so that we can write a treatment plan that best meets your needs. When you have an appointment at our center, you can visit every subspecialist you may need.


减肥手术, 也被称为减肥手术, helps you lose weight by removing or rerouting a portion of your stomach. The surgery limits the amount of food you can eat or the amount of calories your body can absorb. Research has shown that 减肥手术 can help you lose up to 85% of excess weight.


  • 控制高血压
  • 改善性功能障碍
  • 提高生育能力
  • 延长预期寿命
  • 缓解疼痛
  • 治疗2型糖尿病和睡眠呼吸暂停等疾病


Our 减肥手术 Program offers a range of weight loss and weight management services. 我们的减肥诊所的护理领域包括:

青少年减肥手术: The American Society of Metabolic and 减肥手术 recommends 减肥手术 as a treatment for some obese adolescents. These guidelines are based on recent data about the rising rate of childhood obesity and the effectiveness of weight loss surgeries. If adolescents have a body mass index (BMI) higher than 35 and another condition related to obesity, 他们可能是减肥手术的候选人.  

健康体重管理计划: This eight-week series educates participants about lifestyle modifications for long-term weight maintenance. Each week, a physician or specialized dietitian addresses a different factor that affects weight, 比如营养, 锻炼或压力.

医疗体重管理计划: We use a holistic approach that assesses every element that affects weight loss. These elements might include environmental, metabolic, genetic or social factors. 通过这个项目的治疗可能包括一个个性化的饮食计划, medically supervised weight loss or group cognitive behavioral therapy classes. Because we understand that weight maintenance is just as important as weight loss, 我们还提供长期体重管理计划.  

减肥手术: Our bariatric surgeons use advanced technology and gold-standard techniques for several types of weight loss surgeries. Our outcome and satisfaction rates are consistently higher than the national averages. We even offer revision surgeries for patients who had unsuccessful weight loss surgery in the past.  


减肥手术的主要目的是治疗肥胖. 肥胖是一种身体脂肪过多的医学状况. 如果你的身体质量指数在30或更高,你很可能被认为是肥胖.

减肥手术 can also be part of your treatment plan for a range of obesity-related conditions, including:

  • Diabetes: 一种影响身体处理血糖的疾病.
  • 脂肪肝: Fat buildup in the liver (the organ that digests food and gets rid of toxins).  
  • 高脂血症(高胆固醇): 当你血液中的脂肪颗粒含量很高的时候.
  • 高血压(高血压): 当动脉壁的压力长期过高时.  
  • 骨关节炎: A degenerative disease in which cartilage (the flexible tissue that cushions between your bones) wears down.
  • 多囊卵巢综合征: 荷尔蒙失调会导致卵巢出现小囊肿.  
  • 睡眠呼吸暂停综合症: A sleep disorder characterized by breathing stopping and starting throughout the night.


我们使用先进的外科技术, 包括微创技术, 为每一位患者提供专业的护理. 我们提供的手术包括:

抗反流手术: 许多肥胖患者还患有胃食管反流病(GERD)。. 研究表明胃旁路手术不仅能治疗反流, 还能有效治疗与肥胖有关的疾病, 比如糖尿病或脂肪肝.

胃旁路手术: 胃分流术期间, your surgeon reduces the size of your stomach by dividing and reconnecting your small intestine. This technique restricts the amount of food your stomach can hold and changes your gut hormones to help you feel full longer.   

胃旁路修复术: About 15% to 35% of patients regain weight or fail to achieve weight loss after surgery. We can perform a procedure called distal gastric bypass to help you lose more weight after a previous failed procedure.

胃袖: Also called sleeve gastrectomy, this procedure removes up to 80% of the stomach. It is the most common type of weight loss surgery in the United States and has up to a 90% success rate.

去除膝带: Lap band surgery works by placing an inflatable silicone band around part of your stomach. 这个手术曾经是最流行的减肥手术, 但许多患者会出现并发症或效果不佳. We perform a procedure to revise a lap band to a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. Patients who have this operation experience significant weight loss and improved quality of life.


我们的减肥手术团队 提供富有同情心的、全面的、先进的护理. We use the latest techniques and our patient outcomes are consistently better than the national average.

Contact us

Call 310-206-0367 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的减肥外科医生.


Our bariatric surgeons use a range of treatments to help you reach weight loss goals and optimize your health. 想了解更多,请致电 310-206-0367.